Who Uses NLP?
Anyone who:
- Interacts with people in any way.
- Desires to improve their ability to connect with others.
- Is searching for ways and means to personal growth.
- Is tired of letting their past stop them from achieving what they desire.
- Wants to be at the top of their game.
- Knows there has to be more to life!
In our seminars, public speaking events, consulting and coaching activities, we have met people from a variety of backgrounds and interests who have benefited and continue to benefit from their knowledge and proficiency with NLP:
- Parents: become more comfortable and adept at modeling the behaviours they want their children to emulate, more comfortable and adept at interacting with their children in a way that leaves everyone feeling seen, heard and respected; while developing the practical skills and strategies to assist their children with learning issues, school problems or to more effectively navigate the tricky waters of puberty!
- Educators and Trainers: acquire the ability to recognize the strategies people use to learn -- the ones that work, the ones that don't and what to do about it -- to support their students/clients in achieving their objectives.
- Students: learn and integrate new resources for coping with the pressures of school, recognize what needs to be changed and become willing to engage the learning process more directly.
- Mental Health Professionals: learn how to take care of themselves, and assist their clients with the new insights and skills gained from working with the powerful and generative interventions that NLP invites.
- Medical Practitioners: learn how to establish greater rapport and work as a team with their patients, gain an enhanced understanding of the role that beliefs and secondary gain can play in the health or dis-ease of a patient.
- Managers and Business people: use NLP to enhance their communication skills, influence with integrity, build stronger and more resourceful teams/staff members, augment their leadership skills, and more effectively participate in win-win negotiation and problem solving sessions.
- Salespeople: learn how to quickly and effectively establish rapport, determine the client's needs and expectations, position their product or service to meet client needs and establish long-term win-win relationships.
- Athletes, Entertainers: learn how to focus on their desired outcomes, draw on their inner resources and identify those strategies/activities that do not support who they see themselves capable of becoming.
- Anyone who wants more out of life, who wants to improve communication at home or at work, who helps others, who wants to improve their health, who wants to move beyond that which stops them, who ... can benefit from NLP
NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence ... -- Modern Psychology
NLP could be the most important synthesis of knowledge about human communication to emerge since the sixties. -- Science Digest
NLP cannot be dismissed as just another hustle. Its theoretical underpinnings represent an ambitious attempt to codify and synthesize the insights of linguistics, body language and the study of communication systems. -- Psychology Today
(NLP) does offer the potential for making changes without the usual agony that accompanies these phenomena... Thus it affords the opportunity to gain flexibility, creativity and greater freedom of action than most of us now know... -- Training and Development Journal
... real estate brokers and salespeople use Neuro-Linguistics to enhance their communication skills and provide them with more choices when working in a difficult situation. ... it shows how we make sense of the world around us and communicate. -- Real Estate Today
Peter Senge introduces the concept of personal mastery in his book The Fifth Discipline. NLP provides the 'how' to achieve this. -- Sue Knight, NLP at Work: The Difference That Makes a Difference in Business