Books and ebooks by Roger Ellerton

Consider the following books and ebooks by Roger Ellerton.

NLP book: Live Your Dreams NLP book: 5 step action plan NLP book: Parents' Handbook NLP book: Win-Win Influence Self-Publish Your Book NLP and Personal Growth Thoughts Volume 1 Book: NLP Techniques Anyone Can Use
  • Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You covers all of the basic NLP material and is a great resource for coaches, managers and those wanting to learn NLP.
  • Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: 5 Step Action Plan provides a road map for achieving your goals or coaching others to do so.
  • Parent's Handbook: NLP and Common Sense Guide for Family Well-Being provides effective ways to improve your communication with your children and your children's communication with you, their teachers and friends. You will also learn how to support your children in school and elsewhere.
  • Win-Win Influence: How to Enhance Your Personal and Business Relationships provides proven processes for you to be the difference that makes the difference in creating better results in your life, career or any place two or more people gather.
  • Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors shares insights and experiences based on my mistakes and lessons learned while writing and publishing eight books. This book is getting a little dated, however there are many ideas that you should find useful.
  • NLP and Personal Growth Thoughts: A Series of Articles by Roger Ellerton. Volumes 1 and 2 each contain 15 articles. Some articles will educate you on basic NLP concepts, while others will challenge your current way of thinking and how you view the world around you.
  • NLP Techniques Anyone Can Use provides ten typical NLP processes that illustrate the breadth and potential of NLP.

For more detailed information on these books, please click here.

These books are available through various online book retailers including Google Play and Amazon.

What the Heck Was Mesmer Really Doing?

Eric Robins, MD is a urologist in practice in Los Angeles, CA. He is a practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming/TimeLine TherapyTM, and also a certified Pranic Healingsm instructor. He can be reached at [email protected].

This article is reprinted from the Journal of the Time Line Therapy Association (TLTA), with permission of Dr. Robins and the TLTA.

In just about every book on hypnosis, there is a section on Franz Mesmer. The Mesmeric period lasted from 1760 to 1842. Mesmer's techniques have elicited quite a bit of interest and controversy. He believed that by passing his hands repeatedly over his patients' bodies he could pass on "animal magnetism"; he felt that this magnetism was an energetic force which could induce healing in his patients. Many authors feel that Mesmer was solely a hypnotist, and that most of what he was doing was actually just putting his patients into a trance and then giving them healing suggestions (Elman and Krasner). James Braid and others felt that Mesmer would stand above his patients and cause them to have upward eye gaze and fixation which then induced trance.

I have some differing ideas on what Mesmer was really doing. These ideas involve the use of and manipulation of energies for the purpose of healing. Some offshoots of this involve techniques to covertly induce trance. In my extensive practice of Time Line TherapyTM, I have noted two types of challenges. The first concerns getting resistant patients to enter a trance so that therapy can commence. As Milton Erickson once alluded, and as many of you are familiar, those patients who need help the most are least likely to be able to relax to enter trance easily. The second challenge I have noted involves getting patients to be able to release "tightly held" traumas. Time Line TherapyTM (TLT) is very effective in getting most patients to release negative emotions, traumatic memories, etc. However, in some patients, no matter how much reframing is done, or how high above the time line you go, release is difficult. Energy therapy can facilitate easier release of these entities.

The field which I have been involved with for over one year is called Pranic Healingsm. Prana is one of many names for the body's healing energy; it has also been known as chi, ki, mana, vital force, ruach ,and yes, animal magnetism. Let me explain some of the basic principles of Pranic Healingsm, including some energetic anatomy, and then I will show you how you can use this to complement and improve your success with TLT.

The body is surrounded and interpenetrated by an energy field called the aura. The aura has been demonstrated with Kirlian photography, and can be felt by many people with minimal training. The aura is an external representation of what is going on inside the body. Therefore, by feeling the aura with your hands, you can get some sense of what conditions are happening inside, energetically. What is even more fascinating is that by manipulating the aura with a no-touch technique, you can create internal physiologic changes. These changes can be used to promote healing of physical or psychological ailments.

Prana is the energy which animates life and which the body uses for healing and proper function. When you are feeling the aura, what you are feeling is pranic energy stored along the template of the energy body. The energy body takes in prana from the outside. Prana is found in air, sunlight, food, medicines or herbs, and the ground. Prana is absorbed into the body through energy way-stations called chakras. The main chakras tend to be arranged in the energy body along the mid-line. Each chakra distributes prana to anatomically nearby organs. For example, the solar plexus chakra distributes energy to the diaphragm, stomach, liver, pancreas, and part of the intestines. The sex chakra distributes energy to the internal sexual organs and pelvic organs, including the uterus, ovaries, vagina, bladder, prostate, and penis/testicles. In addition to having correlates to physical organs, each chakra has a psychospiritual attribute, or set of associated emotions. For example, the basic chakra (located at the tip of the spine) is associated with survival issues. You could almost form a loose correlation between the chakras and the various levels of value systems.

In general, most disorders in the body tend to be associated with either congestion or depletion of pranic energy. And our goal in Pranic Healingsm is to assist the body's energetic system to normalize so that the body can heal itself. If there are blockages in the energetic field causing congestion, we remove these; if there is depletion of energy, we give some back. Often, when people feel a negative emotion in a certain part of their body, you can palpate that as an energy congestion over the corresponding chakra. And when you sweep away the excess energy, people notice an improvement in the way that they feel. I had a woman recently who had a bladder problem which, after an extensive work-up, I thought represented the physical effects of stress on her body. She admitted to having quite a large amount of ongoing stress, and she related to me some problems at home including being a single mother of three small kids, and having an alcoholic, abusive ex-husband. As I was scanning her I felt some excess energy over both her heart chakra and her sex chakra, which I cleared away. Afterwards she remarked that her depression and anxiety had improved dramatically, and she said, "all of the heaviness is gone from my heart". Her bladder problem subsequently abated too!

What I've just shared with you ties in well with much of what you've already learned about Time Line TherapyTM. For example, you know that negative emotions and stress are stored as tensions in the body; and these tensions create blockages to the flow of the body's healing energy. Many of you have had the experience of clearing out some negative emotions and traumatic memories, and noticing a physiologic change in your client. This happens because when the blockages are removed, there is an improved flow of prana. Healing then commences on many levels.

One year ago I wrote an article for this journal in which I discussed the fact that when negative emotions or traumatic memories were removed using TLT, patients' physical (urologic) problems were getting better. This work with pranic healing is a natural extension of that. What I'm doing is going in directly and clearing up energetic imbalances, and we are seeing miraculous improvements in a wide variety of ailments. Some of the improvements are permanent after one treatment, and often several treatments are required. One very obvious question would be, how can the physical changes be permanent if the underlying psychological problem has not been cleared? My answer is the following: Pranic Healingsm loosens the body's hold on the negative emotion, traumatic memory, or thoughtform so it can be much more easily removed using TLT. A combination of Time Line TherapyTM and Pranic Healingsm will be the gold standard way to clear up all ailments. Later in this article I'll give a table which lists those particular ailments which I believe to be caused by energetic/emotional imbalances in the body (and thus more likely to prove amenable to treatment by PH and TLT).

When we first begin Pranic Healingsm, we do some general sweeping techniques in which we pass our hands repeatedly over the patient's body, from the top to the bottom, and from front to back. In advanced Pranic Healing, you will learn certain colour combinations which are very powerful in clearing up energy imbalances to allow proper flow. When done correctly, general sweeping induces a relaxation response. This has been proven in studies using EEG's in which the brain waves are documented to move from beta to alpha. By the way, in case you hadn't guessed, another word for relaxation response is trance. Dr. Herbert Benson at the Harvard University Mind-Body Institute has sold millions of books describing the benefits of the relaxation response. In my hands, for those uptight, or anal-retentive patients (yes, accountants and engineers especially) who can't seem to let themselves relax for therapy, I offer to do some Pranic Healingsm, and usually after 5 minutes of general sweeping they are pretty much on their way down. Obviously if you use your best hypnotic languaging and rapport skills, this is a bonus.

Anyway, I believe that Mesmer was doing general sweeping to induce trance, and then doing localized sweeping and energizing on the affected chakras to facilitate both physical and emotional healing. And I'm sure that along the way he was giving therapeutic suggestions. Too bad TLT wasn't around back then.

For those of you who are interested, the book Pranic Healing by Choa Kok Sui (Samuel Weiser-publisher) is very self-explanatory. I have actually written the foreword for the 3rd edition which will be coming out in mid -1998. The book has been translated into 17 languages, and training centers have been established in 30 countries. The material is very results-oriented, and as I mentioned above, Pranic Healingsm will bring your skills to a whole new level. It can be learned very quickly, and is much simpler than other forms of energy therapy like acupuncture. Classes are offered throughout the USA. For information, call the American Institute of Asian Studies (located outside of Los Angeles, CA), at 909-860-5656.

Table 1. List of ailments which are likely due to energetic imbalances resulting from harbouring or explosively expressing negative emotions for a prolonged period of time*

  1. glaucoma
  2. migraine headaches
  3. acute and chronic sinusitis
  4. hyperthyroidism
  5. asthma
  6. heart ailments
  7. diabetes
  8. gastric or duodenal ulcers
  9. hypercholesterolemia
  10. susceptibility to infections (hepatitis included)
  11. irritable bowel syndrome, including constipation
  12. hypertension
  13. autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
  14. cancer
  15. chronic pelvic pain/prostatitis

* Adapted from Advanced Pranic Healing, by Choa Kok Sui (Samuel Weiser-publisher)


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